Package org.brains2b.thex

Interface Summary
PseudoCaretComponent Interface that defines the enables the use of the pseudo highlighter and find highlighter

Class Summary
AsciiEditor Editor to interact with BinaryDocument by using Ascii representation of these byte values
BinaryDocument BinaryDocument is the content provider for binary data.
BinaryEditor Editor to interact with BinaryDocument by using Hex encoded values
BinaryElement Element for BinaryDocument
ByteColumnHeader Component to paint the column header for the JScrollPane that contains the BinaryEditor
ByteRowHeader Component to paint the row header for the JScrollPane that contains the BinaryEditor
HexCaret Implementation of DefaultCaret to use the HexHighlightPainter
HexEditor The Main panel for THex showing a Hex and a Ascii editor
HexEditorMap ActionMap for default actions of HexEditor
HexHighlightPainter Implementation of Highlighter to correctly highlight hex-spaced characters
ViewAscii [Short description] [Long description]
ViewHex View to paint the content of a JTextComponent to draw the content of a BinaryDocument as a Hex encoded bytes